Pre-production control is held after receiving all the materials to the assembly line warehouse at the moment when the factory is ready to start assembling. During pre-production inspections, TQC inspectors check the accordance of documentation materials and the “golden sample”, how ready the factory is to start the mass production, the quality control areas and consults with quality inspectors of the factory.
Pre-production inspection reports include photographs of material verifications with documents and prototypes, storage conditions in the warehouse, and descriptions of incoming materials.
Pre-production inspection is necessary so that the customer can be assured in advance that all the materials meet the requirements of the technical documentation, the quantity of the materials is enough for completing the production of the batch and the production schedule corresponds with the plan. This type of inspection is necessary during the placement of a product’s first batch. In this case, you will be sure that the manufacturer did not replaced any details with less expensive ones and that the timing of the production will be according to plan. Pre-production inspection allows last-minute reworks to be made and prevents extra costs by eliminating potential inconsistencies after production.